IRSticker-swift May 06, 2021 IRSticker-swift is a powerful sticker for iOS. ...
IREffectCamera May 05, 2021 IREffectCamera is a powerful camera view controller use face stickers and filters for iOS. ...
IRCameraSticker May 04, 2021 IRCameraSticker is a powerful face sticker and camera sticker for iOS. ...
IRNotificationReceiver May 01, 2021 IRNotificationReceiver is a powerful notification receiver/manager for iOS, it can set conditions for eazy to manage the notifications. ...
IRTabbedPageViewController May 01, 2021 IRTabbedPageViewController is a powerful tab view controller for iOS. ...
IRHierarchyTreeTableView Apr 30, 2021 IRHierarchyTreeTableView is a powerful hierarchy tree for iOS. ...
IRPhotoGallery Apr 30, 2021 IRPhotoGallery is a powerful photo gallery for iOS. ...
IRUserResizableView Apr 30, 2021 IRUserResizableView is a powerful resizable view for iOS.
IRCollectionTableViewModel Apr 29, 2021 IRCollectionTableViewModel is a powerful MVVM Tableview/CollectionView for iOS, which is flexible and can easy to handle and reuse. ...
IRAlertManager Apr 28, 2021 IRAlertManager is a powerful alert manager for iOS, which can handle different alert frameworks. ...